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Rota 2030 program: maximizing innovation and growth in the Brazilian automotive industry

By: Thiago Colletes, Delivery Manager at ília

The Brazilian mobility sector has an incentive program that maximizes our offer of innovation and boosts the growth of this market in Brazil. Have you heard of Rota 2030?

This initiative aims not only to boost energy efficiency, quality and innovation in the market, but also to position the country as a leading player in line with the highest international standards.

Qualified companies will be able to have their IPI reduced by investing in research and development projects with this focus.

By joining the program, companies enjoy advantages such as a reduction in taxes, tax credits, and incentives to develop more efficient and ecologically sustainable vehicle models. In addition, they also find opportunities to strengthen their competitive position in both the domestic and international markets, meeting the growing demand for modern, economical and environmentally responsible vehicles.

Joining Rota 2030 allows companies to be aligned with global trends in mobility and innovation, boosting their growth and contributing to the technological and sustainable advancement of the automotive sector.

ília carries an important name in the innovation of automotive software. With more than seven years’ experience in this area and renowned partners in the sector, such as BMW, Ford, Visteon, Cox and Fiat, we are specialists in the development of connectivity solutions, interface design for multimedia centers, embedded solutions, internationalization/localization of apps and integration between backend platforms.

With this expertise, we have been able to drive technological innovation in the Brazilian automotive sector and have also achieved a good global presence in this market. We combine the versatility and flexibility of the agile methodology with the assertiveness resulting from our expertise and high-quality policies.

This whole journey begins with defining the product vision and drawing up POCs (Proofs of Concept) and MVPs. We first understand the client’s current scenario, their pains and what we want to improve with our product/project.

From there, we understand the reason for our work. In the next step, we gather the main metrics that will evaluate the success of the journey, outline prototyping strategies, tests with users and/or stakeholders, and draw up Proofs of Concept (POCs).

Through Product Discovery, we arrive at an MVP (Minimum Valuable Product), in our case, a product that not only reaches its first release, but also adds value. Everything is customizable so as to optimize fluid communication between all levels of project stakeholders, always guaranteeing the agile principles of transparency, inspection and adaptation.

With continuous and incremental delivery, it’s possible to validate the solutions developed in the field or internally at a much faster pace than in a complete test case scenario. This makes it possible to approve product features and to make course corrections during development, thus ensuring that the product in the hands of the user is more in line with the preferences of those who will actually use it. As well as initial validations, it is possible to assess whether the intended vision is in fact the one envisioned by the stakeholders.

All this combined with a usability team that knows how to make products for the automotive sector. It’s not enough just to have an attractive or innovative app, you have to take care to create it quickly and provide fluid navigation when developing a digital product exclusively for vehicles. Driver distraction must also be considered, as well as the speed of response time and navigation between screens, to ensure maximum safety. The key concepts of the brand must be reflected in all the elements of the screens, to create a concept that integrates perfectly with the vehicle.

ília, certified by the TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) standard, has an exemplary level of information security, which not only guarantees the protection of sensitive data, but also demonstrates our ability to meet and implement strict regulatory requirements.

Our technical knowledge and comprehensive experience in the research, development and implementation of sustainable and innovative technologies in the automotive segment make us a valuable collaborator in helping other companies navigate the challenges and opportunities offered by the Rota 2030 program. Therefore, driving the industry forward towards more efficient, environmentally conscious business models that are in line with market demands and trends.

As the world of the automotive sector is not just about the vehicle, we also have extensive knowledge of Salesforce, implementing scaled agility models for various teams, creating online and desktop solutions, with a focus also on the financial and insurance sectors. We are a strategic partnership to promote the Rota 2030 projects. Shall we accelerate together?

Visit here to find out more about our cases of assertiveness and speed.