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Product Discovery: How the Process Influences the Construction of a Digital Product

The customer is always at the center of everything – that’s our motto here at ília. Our project delivery methodology allows us to focus on our partnership and, consequently, on the user of the digital product we are creating or evolving. Product Discovery is an essential phase in the project, encompassing immersion in the business, the customer experience, and technological solutions, in order to deliver a product that is aligned with the market, effectively and swiftly.

This immersion involves a customer-centric view throughout the process, using internal data and the customer’s active participation through interviews and other methodologies, which further reinforces our customer-centric culture.

During this phase, we gain an understanding of the product and market challenges, making data-driven decisions to promote an innovative solution that generates value for both the business and the customer, with rapid and precise market delivery. One of the key benefits of this process is the conservation of scarce resources, such as time and money.

In this video, our Account Executive, Juliana Miranda, discusses all the stages of our product discovery process, which has already empowered major players to deliver successful and satisfying products! Click to watch.